INTER SCHOOL QUIZ COMPETITION INNER WHEEL CLUB , AKOLA NORTH Inner wheel club of Akola North had organized an Inter School Quiz Competition on Tuesday 25 . It was held at Holy Cross Convent , Akola . 10 renouned schools of Akola had participated and 3 schools grabbed the prizes . Three classes of each school 7th , 8th and 9th std. had participated in one team . The programme started with the enlightening of lamp by the principal of Holy Cross Convent , Mrs. Nita Fernadis , Vice President of IWC Akola North , Mrs. Vaijanti Pathak , POC Aasha Maliwal , Club Chairman , Mrs. Padma Goenka . On the occasion , Mrs . Nita Fernadis shared her views and encouraged the students . The competition started with a whirl of rounds . MCQ’s , simple , Rapid fire , Buzzer , Audio Visual and what not ! . All the end of the quiz , Education Minister , Mr. Prakash Mukund , the Chief guest shared his views and asked students to concentrate on UPSC , MPSC exams . And at the last , they announced the result of the competition . 1st Prize had been grabbed by Podar International with cas prize 3300 shield , certificates and medals . 2nd Prize had been grabbed by Prabhat kids with cash prize of 2400 , shield certificates and medals . 3rd Prize had been grabbed by Noel English High School with cash prize of 2100 , shield , certificates and medals .Along with these winning schools , there were Emerald heights , School of Scholars , Khandelwal Dnyanmandir , RDG Public school , Hindu Dnyanpeeth , Mount Carmel , Holycross Convent . To every child were given food , juice and cookies by Anand restaurant wok’n grill .This whole competition was organized digitally . To make the competition successful , there were many hands .On this occasion , the teachers , sirs as well as parents were in their high spirits .